Protocol Settings
Using a TCP/IP Network
On the TCP/IP Settings screen, press [RAW Print Settings] ➞
specify the following.
Specify the Raw print settings if you are using the Color imageRUNNER C5185i/
C4580i/C4080i, or the Color imageRUNNER C5185/C4580/C4080 with the
optional Color UFR II/PCL Printer Kit, the optional Color PS Printer Kit, the
optional Super G3 FAX Board, or the optional Super G3 Multi-Line FAX Board.
[On]: You can use Raw as the print application.
If you want to establish bidirectional communication using Port 9100, press [On]
for <Bidirectional Communication>.
On the TCP/IP Settings screen, press [SNTP Settings] ➞
specify the following.
[On] for <Use SNTP>: You can perform time synchronization using SNTP.
Select the interval for performing time synchronization in <Polling Interval>.
In [NTP Server Address], enter the NTP server IPv4 address or host name.
In order to perform time synchronization through SNTP, it is necessary to set the
time zone of the region in which you are using the machine in advance. For
instructions on how to set the time zone, see Chapter 6, "System Manager
Settings," in the Reference Guide.
IPv6 is not supported.