On-Screen Manual
Scanning Guide
> MP Navigator EX Screens
> Navigation Mode Screen
Navigation Mode Screen
This is one of the startup screens of MP Navigator EX.
Point to the icon at the top of the screen to display each tab. Use each tab depending on what you want to
Scan Photos and Documents.
Scan/Import Documents or Images Tab
View & Use
You can open images saved on a computer and print them or attach them to e-mail. You can also edit
them using an application that accompanies the machine.
View & Use Images on your Computer Tab
You can complete from scanning to saving, printing, etc. at one time by simply clicking the
corresponding icon.
Custom Scan with One-click Tab
(Switch Mode)
Switch to One-click Mode. You can complete from scanning to saving, printing, etc. at one time by
simply clicking the corresponding icon in One-click Mode.
One-click Mode Screen
Show this window at startup
Select this checkbox to open the Main Menu at startup. If this checkbox is not selected, the last used
screen appears.
The Preferences dialog box opens. In the Preferences dialog box, you can make advanced settings to
MP Navigator EX functions.
Preferences Dialog Box
Open this guide.
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