From Select Target, select All Documents
The titles of all topics are displayed in the Documents to Be Printed list, and the check boxes are
automatically selected.
If you clear the check box of a topic, that topic is not printed.
Click Select All to select the check boxes of all titles.
Click Clear All to clear the check boxes of all titles.
Click Print Preview to display and check what the print results will look like before you actually
print the document.
Click Start Printing
The Print Page Count Confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Execute print
Confirm the number of pages to be printed, and then click Yes.
ll topics are printed.
large amount of paper is necessary to print all topics. Before printing, be sure to check the
number of print pages displayed in the Print Page Count Confirmation dialog box.
You can change the print magnification from the Print Preview dialog box. However, if the print
data extends outside the paper with the new magnification, the portion of the document will not
be printed on the paper.
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