Are your seatpost and stem securely fastened? Twist the handlebars firm-
ly from side to side while holding the front wheel between your knees.
The stem must not move in the steering tube. Similarly, the seatpost
must be secure in the seat tube.
Are you visible to motorists? If you are riding at dusk, dawn or at night,
you must make yourself visible to motorists through the use of front and
rear lights. Reflectors alone do not provide adequate visibility. Also, give
strong consideration to wearing reflective clothing.
Is it raining or wet? If so, be more cautious. Your braking distances will
increase, and your tires’ grip on the road will decrease. Also, remember
that motorists’ visibility decreases with inclement weather.
Are your tires properly inflated? Tires must inflated to the recommended
pressure in order to provide maximum performance.
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