WARNING: Getting into and out of pedals with toeclips and straps
requires skill which can only be acquired with practice. Until it becomes
a reflex action, the technique requires concentration which can distract
the rider's attention, causing you to lose control and fall. Practice the
use of toeclips and straps where there are no obstacles, hazards or traf-
fic. Keep the straps loose, and don't tighten them until your technique
and confidence in getting in and out of the pedals warrants it. Never ride
in traffic with your toe straps tight.
Clipless pedals (sometimes called "step-in pedals") are the means most rac-
ers use to keep their feet securely in the correct position for maximum ped-
aling efficiency. They work like ski bindings ... a plate on the sole of the
shoe clicks into a spring-loaded fixture on the pedal. Clipless pedals require
shoes specifically designed for the make and model pedal being used.
Many clipless pedals are designed to allow the rider to adjust the amount of
force needed to engage or disengage the foot. Your dealer can show you how
to make this adjustment.
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