Using the TSX-1620 Bridge View
3-34 Configuring Forwarding Thresholds
For complete descriptions of chart, graph and meter variables and details on how
to create and control a pie chart, graph or meter, see the chapter on charts, graphs
and meters in the SPMA Tools Guide.
Configuring Forwarding Thresholds
You can define notification thresholds for bridge port forwarding levels and then
have SPMA use those thresholds to do one or more of the following:
• Color code the Bridge Port display boxes
• Send Internet mail to a registered user
• Launch a program on your management workstation
To open the Forwarding Thresholds window:
1. Click button 3 anywhere within a Bridge Port display box in the Bridge View to
display the Port menu.
2. In the Port menu, click button 3 on Forwarding Thresholds —>Transparent
or Source Routing to open the Forwarding Thresholds window.
Since the Transparent and Source Routing Threshold windows look and function
the same, the window is described only once.