
Using the TSX-1620 Bridge View
3-24 The Spanning Tree Protocol Window
The Spanning Tree Protocol window displays the following information:
Spanning Tree Version
The version shows the Spanning Tree Protocol type employed by this bridge:
IEEE 802.1d
You must use either 802.1d or DEC to interconnect all bridges in a network using
parallel bridges. By default, a Cabletron bridge turns on the 802.1d Spanning Tree.
All of Cabletron’s bridge products have the ability to use either the 802.1d or DEC
Spanning Tree version, or they can be set so that no version is in effect. (A bridge
should be set to None if there are no redundant loops incorporated within the
Designated Root
This value represents the bridge that is the current Root Bridge as determined by
the STA. The Designated Root value consists of the configurable portion of the
bridge ID (i.e., the first two octets of the eight-octet-long bridge ID) and the TSX-
1620’s MAC address (the last six octets of the bridge ID). This value is used as the
Root Identifier parameter in all configuration BPDUs originated from this node.
Num. Topology Chgs.
Indicates the number of times the bridge’s Topology Change flag has been
changed since the bridge was powered up or initialized. The Topology Change
flag increments each time any of the network’s bridges enters or leaves the
network or when the Root Bridge ID changes.
The values for the following three fields—Forward Delay, Max Age, and Hello
Time—represent the values that are currently being used by all bridges, as
dictated by the Root bridge. In the Spanning Tree Protocol window, you can view
and set the values—Root Forward Delay, Root Max Age, Root Hello Time—that
will be in effect when the bridge for which you are setting the parameters
becomes the Root Bridge.
Forward Delay
The length of time, in seconds, that controls how long a bridge port remains in
each state (Forwarding, Learning, Listening, etc.) when moving toward the
Forwarding state. During a topology change, the Forward Delay is also used as
the Filtering Database Ageing Time, which ensures that the Filtering Database
will contain current topology information. The Root Bridge sets the Forward
All bridges in a network must use the same Spanning Tree version. Mixing Spanning Tree
Algorithm protocols will cause an unstable network.