98 CyberSWITCH
If you are not using an external CSU, specify a value under Long Haul Build Out. On long hauls, your
telephone company will provide you with a decibel attenuation value when they install the lines.
The installers may specify option labels A, B, or C during installation. If so, these labels correspond,
respectively, to Long Haul Build Out values of -0.0dB, -7.5dB, and -15.0dB. The value is dependent
on distance, type and condition of physical line, and other environmental factors. For example, if
the distance to the Telco switch is great (6000 foot maximum), or the line is old, you may need a
decibel value of 0.0 (meaning no attenuation). If the distance is much closer (for example, 1000 ft.),
the decibel value may be -15.0 (i.e., the signal is strong enough that it needs a certain amount of
For V.35 and RS232 lines only. This parameter differentiates the network connections from
connections to local computing devices. The network line type should be specified for lines that will
be used by a Dedicated, Frame Relay, or X.25 Access.
For systems using the asynchronous management port (COMMPORT) for out-of-band
management. These elements control how the port will function. Elements include:
•modem name
•baud rate
•data bits
• stop bits
• parity value
• flow control type
• mode of operation
Mode of operation determines whether this port operates in autosense mode or terminal mode.
Autosense mode offers the flexibility to use this port for console access, or to send PPP-async data.
For console access, the remote user must press <Enter> or <Return> four times upon call
connection. If no carriage returns are detected, the CyberSWITCH assumes it will receive PPP data.
Terminal mode requires no interaction. It automatically sends the attached device a login prompt
for console access.
Lines are communication facilities from the carriers. These lines directly attach to the system. From
the system perspective, lines provide the physical connection to switched networks. Lines are not
required for LAN connections.