
Workgroup Remote Access Switch 433
System Message Summary
[AUTH] TACACS LOGIN rejected user: <user name>
The remote Authentication server rejected the named user. This indicates that one of the following
has occurred:
1. The <user name> is not in the remote Authentication server’s database.
2. The <user name> is entered incorrectly in the remote Authentication server’s database.
[AUTH] TACACS No server configured for designated database location.
TACACS is configured as a database location for security authentication. Either no TACACS server
has been configured or an error occurred when parsing the TACACS server configuration.
[AUTH] Warning code: 0001 Timeout
The configured authentication server(s) did not respond to requests for user authentication. Either
the authentication server is not up and running, or it cannot access the IP address.
[AUTH] Warning code: 0002 Missing required attribute from server
The response message from the authentication server did not provide all required attributes for
user authentication. The attributes required vary, depending on type of service, and type of
security. Refer to the RADIUS Authentication Server User’s Guide for details. Then check user
entry for all required attributes.
[AUTH] Warning code: 0003 No UDP buffer available
Internal resources were not available to send/receive an authentication message. Contact your
Distributor or Customer Support.
[AUTH] Warning code: 0004 No authentication node available
Internal resources were not available to initiate an authentication session. Contact your Distributor
or Customer Support.
[AUTH] Warning code: 0005 No host configured for server IP address
The System does not have a network route to the configured authentication server(s). Verify that a
static route has been set up. Then, check your configuration for the correct addresses on interfaces
and authentication server.
[AUTH] Warning code: 0006 UDP system failed
Internal resources were not available to initiate an authentication session. Contact your Distributor
or Customer Support.
[AUTH] Warning code: 0007 Authentication mode mismatch
An internal request for authentication server access request occurred, but the System is configured
in the on-node device table mode. Contact your Distributor or Customer Support.
[AUTH] Warning code: 0008 Authentication agent not initialized
The System could not obtain enough internal resources for the user authentication operation.
Contact your Distributor or Customer Support.
[AUTH] Warning code: 0009 Server failed message digest test
A message received from the authentication server did not have the correct authenticator field