
Bridge Spanning Tree 5-17
Changing the Spanning Tree Algorithm Protocol Type
To change the type of protocol used in Spanning Tree:
1. Click the mouse on the appropriate option button: IEEE 802.1, DEC, or None.
2. Click on .
The selected Spanning Tree Algorithm protocol type will be applied to the bridge.
If you selected None, the Spanning Tree Algorithm will be disabled (if it already
was enabled). If STA Protocol Type was changed from None to IEEE 802.1 or DEC,
you must restart the bridge for the newly selected STA protocol to be applied.
Changing Hello Time
If the bridge is the Root Bridge, or is attempting to become the Root, and you
want to change the length of time the bridge waits between sending configuration
1. Highlight the Hello Time field, and type in a new value.
2. Click on .
The IEEE 802.1d specification recommends that Hello Time = 2 seconds; the
allowable range is 1 to 10 seconds.
Changing Max Age Time
If the 9H42x-xx module is the Root Bridge or attempting to become the Root, and
you want to change the maximum time that bridge protocol information will be
kept before it is discarded:
1. Highlight the Max Age field, and type in a new value.
2. Click on .
The IEEE 802.1d specification recommends that Max Age = 20 seconds; the
allowable range is 6 to 40 seconds.
If your network does not have redundant bridged paths, turning off Spanning Tree can
improve network performance by cutting down on management (BPDU) traffic.
All bridges in a network must use the same Spanning Tree version. Mixing Spanning Tree
Algorithm protocols will cause an unstable network.