
The 9H42x-xx Module View
2-6 Viewing Module Information
Power Supply, Chassis Power Detail, and Environment View provide access
to windows which provide information about the MMAC-Plus chassis the
selected module is installed in. A detailed description of these windows can be
found in the Using MMAC-Plus Remote Management User’s Guide included
with your software.
Bridge Status..., which opens a window that provides an overview of bridging
information for each port, and allows you to access all other bridge-related
options. Refer to Chapter 5, Bridging, for more information.
Find Source Address..., which opens a window that allows you to search the
9H42x-xx’s 802.1d Filtering Database to determine which switching interface
a specified source MAC address is communicating through. If the MAC
address is detected as communicating through the switch, the port display will
flash to indicate the switch interface of interest.
Exit, which closes the 9H42x-xx Module View window.
The Port Status Menu
The Port Status menu allows you to select the status information that will be
displayed in the port text boxes in the Module View window:
Status allows you to select one of four status type displays: Bridge, Bridge
Mapping, Admin, or Operator.
Load will display the portion of network load processed per polling interval
by each interface, expressed as a percentage of the theoretical maximum load
(10 or 100 Mbits/sec).
Errors allows you to display the number of errors detected per polling interval
by each interface, expressed as a percentage of the total number of valid
packets processed by the interface.
I/F Port Mapping will display the interface (if) index associated with each port
on your 9H42x-xx module.
I/F Speed will display the port’s bandwidth: 10 or 100 Mbits/sec. Note that the
module’s backplane INB interface has a bandwidth of 2500 Mbits/sec.
I/F Type will display the interface type of each port on the 9H42x-xx module:
Eth (ethernet) for all front-panel interfaces, and Other for the backplane INB
For more information on the port display options available via this menu, see Port
Status Displays, page 2-8.
The Utilities Menu
The Utilities menu provides access to two important utilities provided by
SPECTRUM Element Manager for use with the 9H42x-xx modules: the MIB Tools
utility, which provides direct access to the 9H42x-xx module’s MIB information;
and the RMON utility, a remote monitoring utility which is implemented by
many of Cabletron Systems’ intelligent devices. These selections are also available
from the Tools menu in the primary window menu bar.