
16. When a BootP server and DHCP server are both present in the network, in some cases only the IP
address will be acquired; the firmware image will not be received. Both protocols work properly when
only one server type is present. This condition also existed in earlier versions of firmware. Cabletron’s
recommendation is to remove the DHCP server and reboot the switch; this will cause the switch to send
BootP requests and receive an image from the BootP server.
17. When Microsoft Internet Explorer is used to access Cabletron WebView management, the initial start-
up time is excessive (approximately 20 minutes), after which it performs normally. To avoid this delay,
the switch's IP address should be added to Internet Explorer's Proxies “Ignore” area.
18. When configuring 802.1Q trunks, the VLAN that includes the ports configured as trunks must not have
those ports on the egress list for that VLAN. This results in a misconfiguration.
19. When configuring Port Trunks as 802.1Q trunks, you must add the port trunks to the egress list as a pair.
Adding them separately results in an error reporting add VLAN Violation.
20. Spanning Tree Fast Step Feature change - On the Spanning Tree configuration screen, there is an extra
selection called “stpstandby enable”:
If defaulted to yes, there is a 30-second forwarding delay.
If defaulted to no, ports will go to forwarding within one second.
Management Disabling a port, through the console or otherwise, is not supported in this release. If you
Management Disable a port, the 924TXG will eventually stop responding to queries or to pass traffic.
This will be fixed in the next firmware release.