The number of backplane connection subtypes per module are listed in the following table:
This limitation becomes a consideration in configurations that include modules with many subtype
capabilities (i.e., greater subtype values).
To determine whether a configuration will allow backplane connectivity on all of the modules’ backplane
capable ports, calculate the total number of subtypes per module within the hub and compare this number
to the 256 limitation. If the number is greater than 256, loss of backplane connectivity on some modules will
See the following examples of sample configurations that stay within or exceed the 256-subtype limitation.
• Examples of configurations that stay within the 256 subtype limitation:
Three MultiSwitch 924TXGs (3 @ 60 subtypes) and three PORTswitch 900TP/12s (3 @ 25
subtypes) for a total number of 255 subtypes.
Two MultiSwitch 924TXGs (2 @ 60 subtypes), two VNswitch 900EFs (2 @ 22 subtypes) and
two PORTswitch 900TP/12s (2 @ 25 subtypes) for a total number of 214 subtypes.
• Example of a configuration that exceeds the 256 subtype limitation:
Four MultiSwitch 924TXGs (4 @ 60 subtypes) and two PORTswitch 900TP/12s (2 @ 25) for
a total number of 290 subtypes.
In general, most combinations of two MultiSwitch 924TXGs plus six of any other modules fall
within the 256-subtype limitation of the hub. (An exception to this is the inclusion of the
PORTswitch 900TP/12, where it is recommended the above calculations be followed.)
Module Number of
MultiSwitch 924TXG 60
DECswitch 900EF 15
PORTswitch 900TP/12 25
PORTswitch 900TPJ 7
DECrepeater 900TM 2
MultiSwitch Hub 924TXG
VNswitch 900EF 22
VNswitch 900FF 17
VNswitch 900CC 1
VNswitch 900LL 14
VNswitch 900EE 14