been restored (plus 15 seconds). If the line voltage is com-
pletely interrupted, the thermostat display will immediately
go blank.
X. SMART RECOVERY (Heating Mode Only)
The thermostat has 2 programmed schedule modes, normal
occupied mode and setback mode (a time when the space is
unoccupied). The Smart Recovery function begins 1.5 hours
before the scheduled occupied mode and gradually adjusts room
temperature so the temperature is at the occupied mode set
point when the occupied time period begins.
LCD display on thermostat not illuminated Check for 24 vac between R and C at terminal connections. Both R and
C must be connected for proper thermostat operation.
‘‘E2’’ displayed on thermostat Brownout condition or voltage is too low to thermostat. Check wiring and
check for 24 vac at R and C. The E2 error will clear 15 seconds after
acceptable power levels are restored.
‘‘E1’’ displayed on thermostat Temperature sensor reading is out of range. Check the sensor for dam-
age. Check sensor wiring. Cycle power to thermostat. If display is not
cleared, replace thermostat .
‘‘Clean Filter’’ is displayed on thermostat After the configured number of blower operating hours, the Clean Filter
message will be displayed. This reminds the owner to replace the filter.
Press the Reset Filter button to reset the blower operation timer to
0 hours.
‘‘--’’ displayed on thermostat If the outdoor thermostat is in error, not connected, or shorted, ‘‘--’’ will be
displayed. Check outdoor thermostat wiring and replace if necessary.
Cooling will not energize Select COOL mode. Decrease cooling set point to 10 degrees below
room temperature. Simultaneously press Fan and Up buttons to disable
timers. Check for 24 vac at Y/Y2 terminal. If present, thermostat is oper-
ating correctly and problem is with wiring or equipment. If 24 vac is not
present, replace the thermostat.
Heating will not energize Select HEAT mode. Increase heating set point to 10 degrees above room
temperature. Simultaneously press Fan and Up buttons to disable timers.
Check for 24 vac at Y/Y2 terminal (for heat pump) or W/W1 terminal (for
gas/electric heat unit). If present, thermostat is operating correctly and
problem is with wiring or equipment. If 24 vac is not present, replace the