3. Open thermostat rear door (mounting base) to expose
mounting holes.
4. Route thermostat wires through large hole in mount-
ing base. Remove outer sheath from wires for added
5. Level mounting base against wall and mark wall through
the 2 mounting holes in base.
6. Drill two
-in. mounting holes in wall where marked.
Be careful not to drill into wiring in wall.
Electrical shock could result.
7. Secure mounting base to wall with 2 screws and an-
chors provided. Ensure all wires exit through hole in
mounting base.
8. Adjust wire length and routing to allow proper closure
of the thermostat. Strip each wire at the end no more
-in. to prevent adjacent wires from shorting to-
gether. Match and connect wires to terminals on the
thermostat. See Fig. 1-4.
Improper wiring or installation may cause
damage to the thermostat. Check to ensure wiring is
correct before proceeding with installation of unit.
9. Push excess wiring into wall. Seal hole in wall to pre-
vent drafts.
10. Close thermostat door.
11. Turn on power to unit. The thermostat will receive power
from the unit.
On power up the thermostat display shows the selected setup
mode (AC - single-stage air-conditioner, HP - single-stage heat
pump, A2 - 2-stage air conditioner, H2 - 2-stage heat pump)
for a few seconds, depending on DIP switch settings.
Configuration options, like DIP switch settings, are intended
to be selected at installation and are not normally modified
by the user. These options are not discussed in the owner’s
manual and must be done as part of the installation. A spe-
cial procedure for the thermostat allows entry into the con-
figuration mode. To enter configuration mode, press and hold
the fan button for approximately 10 seconds. The room tem-
perature display will disappear and dashes (--) will be dis-
played on the thermostat screen. The thermostat will auto-
matically exit configuration mode if no button is pressed for
10 seconds. Seven different configurations can be set in con-
figuration mode.
A. Fahrenheit or Celsius Selection
The thermostat can be set to use a Celsius or Fahrenheit tem-
perature display. Press the Change Day button in configura-
tion mode to access the parameter. Use the Up and Down
buttons on the thermostat to change the setting between F
(Fahrenheit) and C (Celsius). The default value is F.
B. Fan ON or OFF When Heat is Energized Selection
The thermostat can be set to turn the fan (G output) on or off
when the heat input (terminal W) is energized. Press the Hold
button while in configuration mode to access the parameter.
Use the Up and Down buttons to toggle between OF (fan off
during heating) and ON (fan on during heating). The default
value is OF.
C. High Ambient Electric Heat Lockout Selection
If DIP switch A is set to ON (heat pump application) and DIP
switch C is set to OFF (an outdoor temperature sensor is
present), electric heat can be locked out if the outdoor ambi-
ent temperature rises above the user-defined value. Tempera-
tures of 15 to 55 F (in 5-degree increments) can be selected.
The lockout can also be disabled. The default is OF (dis-
abled). Emergency heat mode disables this function. Press the
Copy Previous Day button in the configuration mode to ac-
cess the parameter. Use the Up and Down buttons to in-
crease or decrease the setting.
D. Clean Filter Timer Selection
The clean filter selection determines how many hours of blower
operation will pass before the Clean Filter message is dis-
played. A timer in the thermostat accumulates the total blower
operation hours. The range of values is 400 to 3600 hours (in
400-hour increments).
• a ‘‘1’’ will be displayed for 400 hours of operation
• a ‘‘2’’ will be displayed for 800 hours of operation
• a ‘‘3’’ will be displayed for 1200 hours of operation
• a ‘‘4’’ will be displayed for 1600 hours of operation
• a ‘‘5’’ will be displayed for 2000 hours of operation
• a ‘‘6’’ will be displayed for 2400 hours of operation
• a ‘‘7’’ will be displayed for 2800 hours of operation
• a ‘‘8’’ will be displayed for 3200 hours of operation
• a ‘‘9’’ will be displayed for 3600 hours of operation
The selection can also be set to OF (disabled). Press the
Reset Filter button in the configuration mode to access the
parameter. Use the Up and Down buttons to change the set-
ting. The default is 2 (800 hours).
NOTE: During the selection procedure, the Clean Filter mes-
sage will be displayed, even if OF (disabled) is chosen.
E. Anticipator Adjustment Selection
The anticipator adjustment controls the sensitivity and cycle
rate of the thermostat. Higher numbers decrease the sensi-
tivity and slow the cycle rate. Lower numbers increase sen-
sitivity and speed up the cycle rate. A limiting feature of the
thermostat will not allow more than 4 equipment cycles per
hour, regardless of the anticipator setting. Values can range
from 1 to 9. The default is 3. The default selection will pro-
vide optimum performance in nearly all installations. Do not
change the setting unless there is a need to do so. Press the
Mode button during configuration mode to change the set-
ting. Use the Up and Down buttons to increase or decrease
the value.
Unlike conventional thermostat anticipators, the setting is
not determined by current draw. There is no need to mea-
sure, know, or compensate for the current. There is no need
to ‘‘droop’’ with this thermostat, regardless of the anticipator
F. Keypad Lockout Selection
The thermostat has a lockout feature which will not acknowl-
edge configuration buttons until the lockout code is entered.
After the lockout code has been entered, the keypad will re-
main unlocked until the user has stopped pressing keys for
2 minutes. The Lockout selection can be set to ON or OF (dis-
abled). Press the Set Time key in configuration mode to change
the setting. Use the Up or Down buttons to toggle between
off and on. The default is OF.
NOTE: If the lockout function is enabled, the user can only
disable the lockout by pressing the correct buttons, in order,
within a 10-second time period. The button sequence is: press
the Mode button; press the Copy Previous Day button; press
the Set Time button; and press the Hold button. The lockout
will then be disabled until the user stops pressing buttons
for 2 minutes.