d. Shall include all hardware and controls to provide free cooling with outdoor air when temperature and/or hu-
midity are below setpoints.
e. Shall be equipped with gear driven dampers for both the outdoor ventilation air and the return air for positive
air stream control.
f. Shall be equipped with low--leakage dampers, not to exceed 2% leakage at 1 in. wg pressure differential.
g. Shall be capable of introducing up to 100% outdoor air.
h. Shall be equipped with a barometric relief damper capable of relieving up to 100% return air.
i. Shall be designed to close damper(s) during loss--of--power situations with spring return built into motor.
j. Dry bulb outdoor--air temperature sensor shall be provided as standard. Outdoor air sensor setpoint shall be
adjustable and shall range from 40 to 100_F/4to38_C. Additional sensor options shall be available as ac-
k. The economizer controller shall also provide control of an accessory power exhaust unit. function. Factory set
at 100%, with a range of 0% to 100%.
l. The economizer shall maintain minimum airflow into the building during occupied period and provide design
ventilation rate for full occupancy. A remote potentiometer may be used to override the damper setpoint.
m. Dampers shall be completely closed when the unit is in the unoccupied mode.
n. Economizer controller shall accept a 2--10Vdc CO
sensor input for IAQ/DCV control. In this mode, dampers
shall modulate the outdoor--air damper to provide ventilation based on the sensor input.
o. Compressor lockout sensor shall open at 35_ F(2_C) and close closes at 50_F(10_C).
p. Actuator shall be direct coupled to economizer gear. No linkage arms or control rods shall be acceptable.
q. Economizer controller shall provide indications when in free cooling mode, in the DCV mode, or the exhaust
fan contact is closed.
2. Two--Position Damper
a. Damper shall be a Two--Position Damper. Damper travel shall be from the full closed position to the field ad-
justable %--open setpoint.
b. Damper shall include adjustable damper travel from 25% to 100% (full open).
c. Damper shall include single or dual blade, gear driven dampers and actuator motor.
d. Actuator shall be direct coupled to damper gear. No linkage arms or control rods shall be acceptable.
e. Damper will admit up to 100% outdoor air for applicable rooftop units.
f. Damper shall close upon indoor (evaporator) fan shutoff and/or loss of power.
g. The damper actuator shall plug into the rooftop unit’s wiring harness plug. No hard wiring shall be required.
h. Outside air hood shall include aluminum water entrainment filter.
3. Manual damper
a. Manual damper package shall consist of damper, air inlet screen, and rain hood which can be preset to admit
up to 25 or 50% outdoor air for year round ventilation.
4. Head Pressure Control Package
a. Controller shall control coil head pressure by condenser--fan speed modulation or condenser--fan cycling and
wind baffles.
b. Shall consist of solid--state control and condenser--coil temperature sensor to maintain condensing temperature
between 90_F(32_C) and 110_F(43_C)at outdoor ambient temperatures down to --20_F(--29_C).
5. Propane Conversion Kit
a. Package shall contain all the necessary hardware and instructions to convert a standard natural gas unit for use
with liquefied propane, up to 2000 ft (610m) elevation.
b. Additional accessory kits may be required for applications above 2000 ft (610m) elevation.
6. Flue Shield
a. Flue shield shall provide protection from the hot sides of the gas flue hood.
7. Condenser Coil Hail Guard Assembly
a. Shall protect against damage from hail.
b. Shall be of louvered style.
8. Unit--Mounted, Non--Fused Disconnect Switch:
a. Switch shall be factory--installed, internally mounted.
b. National Electric Code (NEC) and UL approved non--fused switch shall provide unit power shutoff.
c. Shall be accessible from outside the unit.
d. Shall provide local shutdown and lockout capability.
9. Convenience Outlet: