
Table 18 — Fan Performance 581B072 — Vertical Discharge Units; Standard Motor (Belt Drive)*
*Motor drive range: 1119 to 1585 rpm. All other rpms require field-
supplied drive.
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive is required.
2. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.40.
3. See page 33 for general fan performance notes.
Table 19 — Fan Performance 581B072 — Vertical Discharge Units; High-Static Motor (Belt Drive)*
*Motor drive range: 1300 to 1685 rpm. All other rpms require field-
supplied drive.
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive is required.
2. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.90.
3. See page 33 for general fan performance notes.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1800 967 0.63 563 1075 0.80 715 1170 0.97 861 1255 1.13 1002 1333 1.28 1139
1900 1008 0.72 643 1112 0.91 805 1205 1.08 960 1289 1.25 1111 1366 1.42 1258
2000 1049 0.82 731 1151 1.02 903 1241 1.20 1068 1323 1.38 1228 1399 1.56 1384
2100 1091 0.93 827 1189 1.14 1008 1278 1.33 1183 1358 1.52 1353 1433 1.71 1519
2200 1133 1.05 933 1229 1.26 1123 1315 1.47 1308 1393 1.67 1487 1467 1.87 1662
2300 1176 1.18 1047 1268 1.40 1247 1352 1.62 1441 1429 1.84 1630 1501 2.04 1815
2400 1218 1.32 1170 1308 1.55 1380 1390 1.78 1584 1466 2.01 1782 1537 2.23 1977
2500 1261 1.47 1304 1349 1.72 1523 1429 1.96 1736 1503 2.19 1945
2600 1305 1.63 1448 1390 1.89 1677 1468 2.14 1900 1540 2.38 2117
2700 1348 1.80 1602 1431 2.07 1841 1507 2.33 2073 —————
2800 1392 1.99 1768 1472 2.27 2016 —————————
2900 1435 2.19 1945 ————————————
3000 1479 2.40 2135 ————————————
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1800 1406 1.43 1273 1475 1.58 1403 1540 1.72 1531 1601 1.87 1657 1660 2.00 1780
1900 1438 1.58 1401 1505 1.73 1541 1569 1.89 1678 1630 2.04 1813 1689 2.19 1945
2000 1470 1.73 1537 1537 1.90 1686 1600 2.06 1833 1660 2.23 1977 1718 2.38 2118
2100 1502 1.89 1681 1568 2.07 1840 1631 2.25 1996 ——————
2200 1535 2.06 1834 1600 2.25 2002 —————————
2300 1569 2.25 1996 ————————————
2400 ———————————————
2500 ———————————————
2600 ———————————————
2700 ———————————————
2800 ———————————————
2900 ———————————————
3000 ———————————————
Bhp Brake Horsepower
Watts Input Watts to Motor
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1800 967 0.63 563 1075 0.80 715 1170 0.97 861 1255 1.13 1002 1333 1.28 1139
1900 1008 0.72 643 1112 0.91 805 1205 1.08 960 1289 1.25 1111 1366 1.42 1258
2000 1049 0.82 731 1151 1.02 903 1241 1.20 1068 1323 1.38 1228 1399 1.56 1384
2100 1091 0.93 827 1189 1.14 1008 1278 1.33 1183 1358 1.52 1353 1433 1.71 1519
2200 1133 1.05 933 1229 1.26 1123 1315 1.47 1308 1393 1.67 1487 1467 1.87 1662
2300 1176 1.18 1047 1268 1.40 1247 1352 1.62 1441 1429 1.84 1630 1501 2.04 1815
2400 1218 1.32 1170 1308 1.55 1380 1390 1.78 1584 1466 2.01 1782 1537 2.23 1977
2500 1261 1.47 1304 1349 1.72 1523 1429 1.96 1736 1503 2.19 1945 1572 2.42 2149
2600 1305 1.63 1448 1390 1.89 1677 1468 2.14 1900 1540 2.38 2117 1608 2.62 2331
2700 1348 1.80 1602 1431 2.07 1841 1507 2.33 2073 1578 2.59 2301 1645 2.84 2524
2800 1392 1.99 1768 1472 2.27 2016 1547 2.54 2258 1616 2.81 2495
2900 1435 2.19 1945 1514 2.48 2203 1587 2.76 2455 —————
3000 1479 2.40 2135 1556 2.70 2402 —————————
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1800 1406 1.43 1273 1475 1.58 1403 1540 1.72 1531 1601 1.87 1657 1660 2.00 1780
1900 1438 1.58 1401 1505 1.73 1541 1569 1.89 1678 1630 2.04 1813 1689 2.19 1945
2000 1470 1.73 1537 1537 1.90 1686 1600 2.06 1833 1660 2.23 1977 1718 2.38 2118
2100 1502 1.89 1681 1568 2.07 1840 1631 2.25 1996 1690 2.42 2149 1747 2.59 2300
2200 1535 2.06 1834 1600 2.25 2002 1662 2.44 2167 1721 2.62 2330 1778 2.80 2490
2300 1569 2.25 1996 1633 2.45 2174 1694 2.64 2348 1752 2.84 2520 ———
2400 1603 2.44 2167 1666 2.65 2355 1727 2.86 2539 ——————
2500 1638 2.64 2349 1700 2.87 2546 —————————
2600 1673 2.86 2541 ————————————
2700 ———————————————
2800 ———————————————
2900 ———————————————
3000 ———————————————
Bhp Brake Horsepower
Watts Input Watts to Motor