Table 16 — Fan Performance 581B060, Three-Phase — Vertical Discharge Units;
Standard Motor (Belt Drive)*
*Motor drive range: 1035 to 1460 rpm. All other rpms require field-
supplied drive.
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive is required.
2. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.40.
3. See page 33 for general fan performance notes.
Table 17 — Fan Performance 581B060 — Vertical Discharge Units; High-Static Motor (Belt Drive)*
*Motor drive range: 1300 to 1685 rpm. All other rpms require field-
supplied drive.
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive is required.
2. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.90.
3. See page 33 for general fan performance notes.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1500 848 0.42 371 968 0.55 486 1069 0.68 600 1158 0.80 715 1238 0.94 831
1600 887 0.49 433 1004 0.63 556 1103 0.76 678 1190 0.90 800 1269 1.04 922
1700 927 0.57 502 1040 0.71 633 1137 0.86 763 1223 1.00 892 1302 1.15 1022
1800 967 0.65 579 1077 0.81 718 1172 0.96 856 1257 1.12 993 1334 1.27 1130
1900 1007 0.75 663 1115 0.91 811 1208 1.08 957 1291 1.24 1101 1368 1.40 1246
2000 1048 0.85 757 1153 1.03 913 1244 1.20 1066 1326 1.37 1219 1401 1.54 1371
2100 1090 0.97 859 1191 1.15 1023 1281 1.33 1185 1361 1.51 1345 1435 1.69 1505
2200 1131 1.09 970 1230 1.29 1143 1318 1.48 1313 1397 1.67 1481 1470 1.86 1649
2300 1173 1.23 1091 1269 1.43 1273 1355 1.63 1451 1433 1.83 1627 1505 2.03 1803
2400 1215 1.38 1223 1309 1.59 1413 1393 1.80 1600 1470 2.01 1784 1540 2.21 1967
2500 1258 1.54 1365 1349 1.76 1564 1431 1.98 1759 1506 2.20 1951 ———
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1500 1312 1.07 948 1380 1.20 1067 1445 1.34 1189 1506 1.48 1312 1564 1.62 1437
1600 1342 1.18 1047 1411 1.32 1173 1474 1.46 1300 1535 1.61 1429 1593 1.76 1560
1700 1374 1.30 1153 1441 1.45 1286 1505 1.60 1420 1565 1.75 1555 1622 1.91 1692
1800 1406 1.43 1268 1473 1.58 1407 1535 1.74 1548 1595 1.90 1690 1652 2.06 1833
1900 1438 1.57 1391 1504 1.73 1537 1567 1.90 1685 1626 2.06 1833 1682 2.23 1983
2000 1471 1.72 1523 1536 1.89 1677 1598 2.06 1831 1657 2.24 1986 ———
2100 1504 1.87 1665 1569 2.06 1825 1630 2.24 1986 ——————
2200 1538 2.04 1816 1602 2.23 1984 —————————
2300 1572 2.23 1978 ————————————
2400 ———————————————
2500 ———————————————
Bhp — Brake Horsepower
Watts — Input Watts to Motor
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1500 848 0.42 371 968 0.55 486 1069 0.68 600 1158 0.80 715 1238 0.94 831
1600 887 0.49 433 1004 0.63 556 1103 0.76 678 1190 0.90 800 1269 1.04 922
1700 927 0.57 502 1040 0.71 633 1137 0.86 763 1223 1.00 892 1302 1.15 1022
1800 967 0.65 579 1077 0.81 718 1172 0.96 856 1257 1.12 993 1334 1.27 1130
1900 1007 0.75 663 1115 0.91 811 1208 1.08 957 1291 1.24 1101 1368 1.40 1246
2000 1048 0.85 757 1153 1.03 913 1244 1.20 1066 1326 1.37 1219 1401 1.54 1371
2100 1090 0.97 859 1191 1.15 1023 1281 1.33 1185 1361 1.51 1345 1435 1.69 1505
2200 1131 1.09 970 1230 1.29 1143 1318 1.48 1313 1397 1.67 1481 1470 1.86 1649
2300 1173 1.23 1091 1269 1.43 1273 1355 1.63 1451 1433 1.83 1627 1505 2.03 1803
2400 1215 1.38 1223 1309 1.59 1413 1393 1.80 1600 1470 2.01 1784 1540 2.21 1967
2500 1258 1.54 1365 1349 1.76 1564 1431 1.98 1759 1506 2.20 1951 1576 2.41 2142
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1500 1312 1.07 948 1380 1.20 1067 1445 1.34 1189 1506 1.48 1312 1564 1.62 1437
1600 1342 1.18 1047 1411 1.32 1173 1474 1.46 1300 1535 1.61 1429 1593 1.76 1560
1700 1374 1.30 1153 1441 1.45 1286 1505 1.60 1420 1565 1.75 1555 1622 1.91 1692
1800 1406 1.43 1268 1473 1.58 1407 1535 1.74 1548 1595 1.90 1690 1652 2.06 1833
1900 1438 1.57 1391 1504 1.73 1537 1567 1.90 1685 1626 2.06 1833 1682 2.23 1983
2000 1471 1.72 1523 1536 1.89 1677 1598 2.06 1831 1657 2.24 1986 1713 2.41 2142
2100 1504 1.87 1665 1569 2.06 1825 1630 2.24 1986 1688 2.42 2149 1744 2.60 2312
2200 1538 2.04 1816 1602 2.23 1984 1663 2.42 2152 1720 2.61 2321 1775 2.81 2491
2300 1572 2.23 1978 1635 2.42 2153 1695 2.62 2328 1753 2.82 2504 ———
2400 1607 2.42 2150 1669 2.63 2332 1729 2.83 2515 ——————
2500 1642 2.63 2333 1704 2.84 2523 —————————
Bhp — Brake Horsepower
Watts — Input Watts to Motor