
Economizer (dry--bulb or enthalpy)
Economizers save money. They bring in fresh, outside air
for ventilation; and provide cool, outside air to cool your
building. This is the preferred method of low ambient
cooling. When coupled to CO
sensors, economizers can
provide even more savings by coupling the ventilation air
to only that amount required.
Economizers are available, installed and tested by the
factory, with either enthalpy or dry--bulb temperature
inputs. There are al so models for ele ctromechanical as
well as di rect digital controllers. Additi onal sensors are
available as accessories to optimize the economizers.
Economizers include gravity controlled, barometric relief
which equalizes building pressure and ambient air
pressures. This can be a cost effective solution to prevent
building pressurization.
Improves productivity and saves money by working with
the economizer to intake only the correct amount of
outside air for ventilation. As occupants fill your building,
the CO
sensor dete cts their presence through increasing
leve ls, and opens the economizer appropriately.
When the occupants leave, the CO
levels decrease, and
the sensor appropriately closes the economiz er. This
intelligent control of the ventilation air, called Demand
Control Ventilation (DCV) reduces the overall load on the
rooftop, saving money.
Smoke D etectors
Trust the experts. Smoke detect ors make your application
safer and your job easier. Bryant smoke detectors
immediately shut down the rooftop unit when smoke is
detected. They are available, installed by the factory, for
supply air, return air, or both.
Louvered Hail Guards
Sleek, louvered panels protect the condenser coil from
hail damage, foreign objects, and incidental contact.
Convenience Outlet (powered or un--powered)
Reduce servic e and/or installation costs by including a
conveni ence outlet in your specification. Bryant will
install this service feature at our factory. Provides a
convenient, 15 amp, 115v GFCI receptacle with “Wet in
Use” cover. The “powered” option allows the installer to
power the outlet from the line side of the disconnect or
load side as requi red by code. The “un--powered” option is
to be powered from a separate 115/120v power source.
Non--fused Disconnect
This OSHA --compliant, factory installed, safety switch
allows a service technician to locally secure power to the
Power Exhaust with Barometric Relief
Superior internal building pressure control. This field
installed accessory may eliminate the need for costly,
external pressure control fans.
RTU Open, Multi--Protocol Controller
Connect the rooftop to an existing BAS without needing
complicated translators or adapter modules using the RTU
Open controller. This new controller speaks the 4 most
common building automation system languages (Bacnet,
Modbus, N2, and Lonworks). Use this controller when
you have an exi sting BAS.
Tim e Guard II Control Circuit
This accessory protects your compressor by preventing
short--cycling in the event of some other fai lure, prevents
the compressor from restarting for 30 seconds after
stopping. Not required with RTU Open, or authorized
commercial thermostats.
Motorized 2--Position Damper
The new Bryant 2--position, motorized outdoor air damper
admits up to 100% outside air. Using reliable, gear--driven
technology, the 2--position damper opens to allow
ventilation a ir and closes when the rooftop stops, stopping
unwanted infiltration.
Manual OA Damper
Manual outdoor air dampers are an ec onomical way to
bring in ventilation air. The dampers are available in 25%
and 50% versions.
Optional Perfect Humidity System
Bryant’s Perfect Humidity system is an all --inclusive
factory installed option that can be orde red with any
Lega cy Line 580J--04--14 rooftop unit.
This system expands the envelope of operation of Bryant’s
Legacy Line rooftop products to provide unprecedented
flexibility to meet year round comfort conditions.
The Perfect Humidity system has the industry’s only dual
dehumidification mode setting. The Perfect Humidity
system includes two new modes of operation.