Table 11 – PHYSICAL DATA (COOLING) 10 -- 15 TONS
580J*12A 580J*12D 580J*14D 580J*16D
Refrigeration System
# Circuits / # Comp. / Type 1/1/Scroll 2/2/Scroll 2/2/Scroll 2/2/Scroll
RTPF models R---410a charge A/B (lbs --- oz) 20 --- 0 10 --- 5 / 10 --- 3 11 --- 0 / 11 --- 6 15 ---14/16--- 12
Alternate (MCHX) R---410a charge A/B (lbs --- oz) --- 6 --- 0 / 6 --- 0 7 --- 6 / 8 --- 0 ---
Alternate (Perfect Humidity) R---410a charge A/B (lbs --- oz) --- 16 --- 10 / 16 --- 0 17 --- 10 / 18 --- 3 ---
Metering device Accutrol Accutrol Accutrol Accutrol
High---press. Trip / Reset (psig) 630 / 505 630 / 505 630 / 505 630 / 505
Low---press. Trip / Reset (psig) 54 / 117 54 / 117 54 / 117 54 / 117
Loss of ch ar ge Tr ip / Reset (psig) --- --- --- ---
Evap. Coil
Material Cu / Al Cu / Al Cu / Al Cu / Al
Coil type 3/8” RT PF 3/8” RTPF 3/8” RT PF 3/8” RTPF
Rows / FPI 4/15 4/15 4/15 3/15
total face area (ft
) 11.1 11.1 11.1 17.5
Condensate drain conn. size 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4”
Perfect Humidity Coil
Material --- Cu / Al Cu / Al ---
Coil type --- 3/8” RTPF 3/8” RT PF ---
Rows / FPI --- 2/17 2/17 ---
total face area (ft
) --- 8.4 8.4 ---
Evap. fan and motor
Standard Static
3 phase
Motor Qty / Drive type 1/Belt 1/Belt 1/Belt 1/Belt
Max BHP 2.4 2.4 2.9 2.9
RPM range 591---838 591---838 652---843 507---676
motor frame size 56 56 56 56
Fan Qty / T ype 1/Centrifugal 1/Centrifugal 1/Centrifugal 1/Centrifugal
Fan Diameter (in) 15 x 15 15 x 15 15 x 15 18 x 18
Medium Static
3 phase
Motor Qty / Drive type 1/Belt 1/Belt 1/Belt 1/Belt
Max BHP 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7
RPM range 838--- 1084 838---1084 838---1084 627---851
motor frame size 56 56 56 56
Fan Qty / T ype 1/Centrifugal 1/Centrifugal 1/Centrifugal 1/Centrifugal
Fan Diameter (in) 15 x 15 15 x 15 15 x 15 18 x 18
High Static
3 phase
Motor Qty / Drive type 1/Belt 1/Belt 1/Belt 1/Belt
Max BHP 4.7 4.7 4.7 6.1
RPM range 1022---1240 1022---1240 1022---1240 776---955
motor frame size 14 14 14 S184T
Fan Qty / T ype 1/Centrifugal 1/Centrifugal 1/Centrifugal 1/Centrifugal
Fan Diameter (in) 15 x 15 15 x 15 15 x 15 18 x 18
High Static
-- High
3 phase*
Motor Qty / Drive type 1/Belt
Max BHP 6.1
RPM range 776--- 955
motor frame size S184T
Fan Qty / T ype 1/Centrifugal
Fan Diameter (in) 15 x 15 18 x 18
Cond. Coil
Material Cu / Al Cu / Al Cu / Al Cu / Al
Coil type 3/8” RT PF 3/8” RTPF 3/8” RT PF 3/8” RTPF
Rows / FPI 2/17 2/17 3/17 2/17
total face area (ft2) 25.1 25.1 25.1 2 @ 23.1
Alternate (MCHX) Cond. Coil
Material --- Al / Al Al / Al ---
Coil type --- Nova tion™ Novation™ ---
Rows / FPI --- 1/20 2/20 ---
total face area (ft2) --- 25.1 25.1 ---
Cond. f an / motor
Qty / Motor drive type 2/direct 2/direct 1/direct 3/direct
Motor HP / RPM 1/4 / 1100 1/4 / 1100 1 / 1175 1/4 / 1100
Fan diameter (in) 22 22 30 22
RAFilter#/Size(in) 4/20x20x2 4/20x20x2 4/20x20x2 16 / 18 x 24 x 2
V2 / 24 x 27 x 1
OA inlet screen # / Size (in) 1/20x24x1 1/20x24x1 1/20x24x1 H1 / 30 x 39 x 1
NOTE: Perfect Humidity i s not available with Novation condenser coil models. Only Round Tube/Plate Fin (RTPF) up to 14 size.
* Section 313 of the E nergy In dependence and Security Act of 2007 (EIS A 2007) mandates tha t the efficien cy of general purpose motors we use in ou r Light
Commercial Rooftops ra ted at 5.0HP and l a r ger be increased on or a f ter December 19, 2010. We will offer both high and standard efficient motors until
inventory is depleted and then shift over solely to the high efficient motorsonly.