Microplate Luminometer Slow Kinetics
• the time required for the movement of the microplate transport
unit. This is in turn dependent upon the position of the sam-
ples to be measured. If the samples are located all over the
microplate, more time is needed than for an arrangement in
one row or in one corner of the microplate (at least 1 sec).
Please note: for each data point (interval), all selected sam-
ples are measured in succession.
Calculation of actual times:
Total duration of experiment: Duration of the interval x number
of data points.
Duration of interval: (Delay times + measurement time
+ feed time) x number of samples.
[Total duration of experiment]
Total duration of measurement (including movement of the mi-
croplate transport unit)
[No. of repeat plate measurement]
Number of data points.
The program shows the interval period calculated from the two
previous parameters. During this time, the defined samples
should be measured once. The minimum duration should be
number of samples x 2 sec.
Parameter input
The interval is defined by changing the parameters [Total dura-
tion...] and [No. of repeat...]. The program calculates the inputs
in the dialog box according to the formula
[Interval] = [Total duration...]/[No. of repeat...]
This demonstrates that the total duration must be increased
when the interval is to be extended while the number of data
points stays the same.
Please note: Use intervals that are long enough to allow for the
microplate transport.