
Chapter 7 ADU Server Methods
64 Agent Data Unit Server Programmers Guide
C Program Example
/*Set one value. */
status = Vesp_Request( "ADU.SetOneValue", callback, 0x2132, session,
aduid, "my_favorite_element", "new value" );
IDL Syntax ORBStatus SetValues( in ADU_ID aduid, in SeqCouple values );
Description This method sets one or more ADU data elements. Data elements that do not exist are created.
Existing elements are updated if permission allows.
The following fields are restricted and cannot be changed by applications:
Setting values can generate watch, change, and drop events.
Input Parameters
C Program Example
/* Example of an initialized sequence with fixed values: */
status = Vesp_Request( "ADU.SetValues", callback, 0x2132,
session, aduid, &values );
IDL Syntax ORBStatus SetValuesExtended( in ADU_ID aduid, in SeqCouple data,
out SeqString newnames) ;
Description This function performs a SetValues method, but in addition returns a parallel list of names that it
created while resolving container names. For example, if the data SeqCouple contained two
names, agent.!.x and data.+, the newnames list might be returned containing agent.2.x and data.4.
aduid termination
transfercount duration
createtime update_time
aduid Agent Data Unit Identifier.
values A sequence containing ADU information, not to exceed 1023 values.
VESP_SUCCESS Request was successful.
VESP_ERROR ADU not found or values not able to be set.