
Chapter 7 ADU Server Methods
56 Agent Data Unit Server Programmers Guide
Output Parameters
IDL Syntax ORBStatus GetValues( in ADU_ID aduid, out SeqCouple values ) ;
Description This method retrieves all of the values of an ADU.
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
C Program Example
Get all of the data elements active in a specific ADU.
_IDL_SEQUENCE_Couple *values;
/* init an empty, unlimited sequence of Couples */
seq_couple = vesp_couple_seq_create();
status = Vesp_Request( "ADU.GetValues", callback, 0x2132,
session, aduid, seq_couple);
IDL Syntax ORBStatus GetValueHistory( in string aduid, in string name,
out SeqString values, out SeqString when,
out SeqString who) ;
Description GetValueHistory returns everything that is known about the named field's values in an ADU. It
reports on all the values the field has had (up to the limit specified with the maxkeptrevisions
configuration parameter), who set them, and when.
The returned arrays are parallel, with the bottommost element being the most recent.
matches All names and values in the container or subcontainer.
aduid Agent Data Unit Identifier.
values A sequence to contain ADU information.
VESP_SUCCESS Request was successful.
VESP_ERROR ADUID was not found.