
Adding or Removing Hardware
324 Installation, Upgrades and Additions for Avaya CMC1 Media Gateways
System printer
1. Type change system-parameters features and press RETURN.
The Feature-Related System Parameters screen appears.
2. Move to Page 4.
3. In the System Printer Endpoint field, type SYS_PRNT.
4. Press ENTER to save your changes.
Testing the switch-to-adjunct link
You can use the test, status, busyout and release commands to find and correct problems with
a system printer, PMS log printer, or PMS journal printer. For more information about these
commands, see the Maintenance manual for your switch.
If a link does not come up immediately, try using the busyout (journal-link pms-log and
wakeup-log, and sp-link) and release (journal-link pms-log and wakeup-log, and sp-link)
Note: Status sp-link can show a system printer link as down, when it is actually properly
connected. If no data is being transmitted, the switch may not see this link as
Using the downloadable reliable session-layer
protocol (RSP) tool
The intent of the Reliable Session-Layer Protocol (RSP) is to guarantee delivery of data records
from the switch to an output device that connects to the switch over an asynchronous TCP/IP
link. The Downloadable RDTT tool allows you to implement this protocol on a PC that collects
data records in a file. The protocol assures that the data records arrive safely at the PC. You
can then send the output file to a printer. See Install Reliable Data Transport Tool (RDTT)
Package on page 314.