
Add CallVisor ASAI
Issue 10 June 2005 271
Add CallVisor ASAI
Enable ASAI option
To enable the ASAI option:
1. On the System-Parameters Customer-Options screen, disable the Calling Party Number/
Billing Number (CPN/BN) option, and enable the CallVisor ASAI Interface option.
2. Enable the Packet Bus Activated option on the System-Parameters Maintenance screen.
3. See Administrator’s Guide for Avaya Communication Manager for details on disabling and
enabling these options.
Save Translations
To save translations:
1. Type save translation and press Enter. This instructs the system to take all translation
information in memory and write it to the translation cards.
2. If administered recorded announcements are displayed, Type list configuration
software-version and press Enter. Go to Page 2 to see when announcements were last
3. To save the announcements, type save announcements and press Enter.
Add Packet Bus Support
If packet bus support is not already installed, see Add Packet Bus Support on page 269 and
perform the steps.