
DNM-UNIX Release 4.0 Installation and Getting Started
3 Installing and Upgrading DNM
Removing DNM
December 2001
Page 72
Removing DNM
This section contains the procedure to remove the DEFINITY Network Management
Release 4.0 for UNIX from the Network Management System (NMS) network server.
Generally, the main reason to remove the software would be to restore data that has been
lost or corrupted.
For the DNM 4.0 release, the REMOVE command is added to the DNM command
directory. Users can remove the DNM 4.0 product from the system without having to
mount the DNM 4.0 product CD-ROM.
The REMOVE command deletes files that are essential to run the DNM product and
preserves auxiliary software and files generated from the products.
The command deletes the files listed below:
All executable files
Configuration files
Versant software and database
Documentation files that are stored in the default directory
All product configuration data in the Network Management System (NMS)
configuration and registration files
SNMP configuration files for each Proxy Agent and the managed nodes
The command preserves the Adobe Acrobat Reader software.