
DNM-UNIX Release 4.0 Installation and Getting Started
3 Installing and Upgrading DNM
Installing DNM
December 2001
Page 40
Installing DNM
This section contains the procedure to install DNM Release 4.0 for UNIX. The installation
script for this release has been revised to simplify the process and to make the installation
of DNM more automatic.
Users need the following materials and information:
Root login and password
Completed PA001 form
Adobe Acrobat Reader directory path, if already installed
CD-ROM entitled DEFINITY Network Management Release 4.0 for UNIX
Note: You must reboot your system after installing DNM.
PA001 form The completed PA001 Administrative Request form contains most of the information
that is specific to the customer’s system. Installers must refer to the various sections on
PA001 form in order to enter the information that is requested at the installation prompts.
Default options The sections below describe the prompts in the order presented in the installation script.
Avaya strongly recommends that installers select the default options where appropriate.
The default options allow users to maintain consistency when upgrading to new releases.
The installation script overwrites previous settings during the installation process.