The button LED lights up or goes out, depending of the new charge limit status of
the room.
3. Press the Exit button.
The DBM32 module returns to displaying the calling status of the room telephones.
Waking guests *
With the wake-up call, you can send your own text or one prepared by your system
administrator. You can change that text or compose one yourself.
If the guest does not react to the wake-up call, a message to that effect appears on the
reception telephone.
Using the printer, a log is kept of when the wake-up call was entered, when it was made, and
when it was acknowledged (or not, after a certain time).
Wake-up times can also be entered by the guest himself at the guest telephone. Voice-
controlled operation is described in the manual for the voice mail box.
1. Press the Avaya Menu button.
2. Select Appointments.
3. Press the OK button.
4. Select Appointments for others.
5. Press the OK button.
6. Press the button for the desired room.
7. Press the OK button.
All existing appointments for that room will be displayed.
8. Now enter the desired time for the wake-up call just as you would for your own
9. To delete one of the shown appointments: Just select it and press the Delete softkey.
Waking guests *
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