1. Press the DDD (Disable Direct inward Dial) button.
The button LEDs of all rooms which cannot be called directly light up.
2. Press the button for the desired room.
The button LED lights up or goes out, depending of the new DDD status of the room.
3. Press the Exit button.
The DBM32 module returns to displaying the calling status of the room telephones.
Setting guest-to-guest connection *
If a guest-to-guest connection is disabled, this guest cannot be called directly by other guests,
who must instead be connected via the switchboard.
1. Press the Disable guest-to-guest button.
The button LEDs of all rooms which cannot be called directly from other room
telephones light up.
2. Press the button for the desired room.
The button LED lights up or goes out, depending of the new guest-to-guest
connection status of the room.
3. Press the Exit button.
The DBM32 module returns to displaying the calling status of the room telephones.
Determining the charge limit *
When the charge limit for a room is activated, this guest can only incur charges up to the
specified limit. As soon as a guest reaches the charge limit, they hear a signal tone. They can
still finish the present call, but cannot make any more external calls. A message that the guest
has exceeded the charge limit appears on the reception telephone. The charge limit is the
same for all guests.
1. Press the Charge limit button.
The button LEDs of all rooms which an activated charge limit light up.
2. Press the button for the desired room.
Hotel functions
108 1408/1416 at Integral 5 - User Guide May 2010