The Last Word 3.0 Reference Manual
work with LW. This means you can’t run SpartaDOS X and LW on a machine with
less than 128K.
With SpartaDOS X, you can specify a file to edit on the command line after the
program name, such as:
LW will attempt to load LETTER.TXT automatically. If the file isn't found, LW will
present you with an empty file bearing the name that you typed on the command line.
You can begin using LW without reading this manual. If you get stuck, press the
<HELP> key, then a number 1 to 9 or 0. If you don't read the manual, however, you'll
be missing out on a huge amount of invaluable information.
To begin using LW, load the program as described above and take a moment to
familiarize yourself with the editing screen. The first thing you’ll notice is that there are
80 columns of text on the screen.
LW defaults to an 80 column display, but you can get the 40 column display back at
any time (and make the program default to 40 columns). To switch to a 40 column
display, press:
At the lower left of the screen, you’ll see:
80 Columns [Y/N]?
Press the “N” key, and for the moment, just press <Return> when you see the “Width”
prompt. A 40 column display will then appear: