
The Last Word 3.0 Reference Manual
Looking again at our Windows cut and paste shortcuts, consider the following macro
(we’ve already loaded the MACRO.FNT character set before typing in the text):
There are five macros in this file. The first is mapped to <Ctrl+X>, and simply issues
<Ctrl+C> whenever <Ctrl+X> is pressed in the editor. The second issues <Ctrl+P> when
<Ctrl+V> is pressed and so on. The last two macros assign keys to the two functions
whose original keystrokes have now been reassigned (Print Preview and Exit to DOS).
Save the file with <SHIFT+CTRL+S> and call it TEST.MAC.
8.6.3 1200 XL KEYS
1200XL users can assign LW commands to function keys. The 1200XL’s four function
keys appear in the scan code table and should be defined in the same way as other
keys using the KEY command.