Overview of Display Symbols
Symbol Meaning
glows The display is in Mode 1.
bat glows Battery voltage too low
asy glows Asynchronous operation
(camera is not running at set frame rate)
fps glows display shows current frame rate
blinks ESU is connected
and no sync-frequency is available
8 7 6.. glows Mode number
NORM glows camera will run the set NORM speed
PS/CCU glows camera will run the set PS speed or
the speed set by an accessory
LOCK glows display is locked
m ft glows indicates the unit in which the film consumption is counted
glows display shows the current shutter angle
R glows Reverse operation is switched on.
Display: Movement Open
The display shows if the movement (= film transport, thus „trAnS“)
has not been locked correctly into operating position.
The operation control indicator glows red
the movement block is not correctly locked,
the camera is not operational.
Camera Operation