User Manual: Agilent Acqiris 8-bit Digitizers Page 9 of 59
Before issuing a Service Order the service center may ask you to communicate with us by phone or eMail so that we
can learn as much as needed about the problems observed. If a unit returned under guarantee is found to be working
normally and this procedure was not followed we reserve the right to charge you for the work done.
For your nearest customer support center please contact Acqiris Technical Support
( or come visit our web site at
Alternatively, contact Acqiris at 1-800-829-4444 in the USA, +41 22 884 32 90 in Europe or +61 3 9210 2890 in the
Asia-Pacific region. The Agilent Support Centers can also help redirect you for any questions concerning the
installation and operation of your equipment.
1.10. System Requirements
Acqiris products need the following minimum PC System Requirements in order to obtain reasonable performance
from your digitizer
Processor: 150 MHz Pentium (higher recommended). Some PowerPC systems running Wind River VxWorks are
supported; please contact us for details.
Memory: 64 MB RAM. The previous number is a very rough estimate. Assuming that you are using AcqirisLive or
an application of your own that operates on the acquired data it seems reasonable to ask for 10 times the
total acquisition memory that you will be using at the same time in the application. Performance is likely
to be degraded if less memory is available.
Display resolution: At least 800 x 600 pixels and 256 colors for use of AcqirisLive or Demo applications.
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000/XP including 2003 Server, Wind River VxWorks 5.5.1 and 6.4, and
Linux with kernels 2.4 and 2.6. Support for Windows 95/98 is no longer available. Although this operating
system is no longer supported by Microsoft, Windows NT4 users can download AcqirisSoftware 3.1 from
the Agilent WEB site.
Hard Drive Space: 20 MB Minimum
CD Drive (or any method to copy the software installation files from CD to the hard drive such as LAN, floppy
drive, etc.)
LabVIEW: Full driver implementations are available for National Instruments LabVIEW versions 8.5, 8.2.1, and
8.0. LabVIEW 7.1 is frozen at the level of Acqiris Software 3.2 with support for all instruments.
LabVIEW RT: National Instruments LabVIEW RT is supported for the same versions as shown above. The VISA
driver must be version 3.0 or higher.
MATLAB: The MEX interface can be used with MathWorks MATLAB 7.3 or a newer version.
Visual BASIC: The interface files and examples are available for Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Version 6.
Tornado: The example files are useable with Wind River Tornado 2.2.1
1.11. Transport & Shipping
CAUTION: Cards can be safely transported in their original shipping packages. DC cards can be transported
when properly mounted in a CompactPCI crate. The transport of DP cards mounted in a PC is a more delicate
issue. Because of their mass the cards can vibrate loose unless they are properly secured and braced. DP cards
held only in the front and on the bottom should not be shipped in their PC. However, properly mounted DP cards
with XP103 or XP105 fans can be sufficiently well held; the Adjustable retainer must be used so as to hold the
card in place.
To package the instrument for shipping:
Step Notes
1. Place the instrument in its original packaging
• If the original packaging materials are not available,
use a professional packaging service. Contact your
Agilent Service Center for more information.
2. Surround the instrument with at least 3 to 4 inches (8
to 10 cm) of its original packing material or bubble-pack
to prevent the instrument from moving in its shipping