Chapter 6. Troubleshooting
54 Express XRT User Guide 61202.153L3-1
Power/Line LED, B1, and B2 LEDs Flash Green
This indicates a configuration problem. Verify the following in-
formation is correct:
• Switch Type
• Service Profile Identifiers (SPIDs) (used in North America
• ISDN Phone Numbers
This information can be viewed by choosing the Status Register
button under the Diagnostics tab of the ADTRAN Express Con-
figuration Wizard window or the Configuration Screen in the VT
100 menu system. The Link Status should indicate Link Up if all
configuration information is correct and the unit is properly con-
nected. If the link status is good and calls still can not be placed,
review the section for Dial-Up Connection Problems on page 55.
Auto-Detect can be used under the Wizard button in the ADT-
RAN Express Configuration software (or by using the Auto-De-
tect SPIDs/Switch option in the Configuration screen of the VT
100 menus) to automatically detect the SPIDs and the Switch
Type. This only applies to North American switches.
1. Look for the following with the COM port setup:
• IRQ conflicts.
• Wrong DTE speed.
• Use Microsoft diagnostics (msd.exe) to verify the COM port
has 16550 UART (for speeds of 115.2 kbps and below) or a
16650 UART (for speeds up to 230.4 kbps).
• Proper COM driver is installed (not provided) to support
DTE speeds above 19.2 kbps.
2. Verify the correct protocol is selected:
• PPP or V.120 generally for Internet applications
• V.120 or Async BONDING for work-at-home
Power/Line LED, B1, and B2 LEDs flash green sequentially. After a soft-
ware upgrade, if the Power/Line, B1 and B2 LEDs flash green in se-
quence, a problem occurred. Restart the download using the instructions
in on page 49, If the download fails a second time, contact ADTRAN
technical support.