Chapter 9. SNMP Management
61200226L1-1 ATLAS 800
User Manual
In RFC1213, or MIB II, the object type snmpEnabledAuthenTraps is defined. If
you set this value to ‘2,’ the generation of the authenticationFailure trap is dis-
abled. This trap is enabled by setting snmpEnableAuthenTraps to ‘1’. One possi-
ble reason for an authentication failure would be an invalid community name in
the received protocol message.
The ATLAS will support RFC1406, the DS1 standard MIB, as well as the ADT-
RAN DS1 MIB, an extension to RFC1406. The ADTRAN DS1 groups provide the
capability to send traps for DS1 Alarm failures and Performance Threshold Cross-
ing Alerts. The DS1 Alarm Table, defined in the ADTRAN DS1 extension MIB,
contains entries for enabling the status bits to send an Alarm Trap message. Each
Alarm Table row entry corresponds to a DS1 interface managed by the device. The
DS1 Alert Table, also defined in the ADTRAN DS1 MIB, contains similar entries
for controlling the Alert Traps.
DS1 Line status is reported in the bit-encoded dsx1LineStatus object variable.
Each trap represents a bit value = 1 change in dsx1LineStatus. Table 9-3 describes
the DS1 Alarm Traps supported by the ATLAS.
Table 9-2. Standard Trap
Index Trap Names Severity Description
0 coldStart NORMAL the ATLAS is such that its configuration may be altered;
this trap will be generated on power up
1 warmStart NORMAL the ATLAS is reinitializing without altering its
2 linkDown WARNING one of the ATLAS communication links has failed
3 linkUp NORMAL one of the ATLAS communication links has come up
4 authenticationFailur
Informational the ATLAS has received a protocol message that has
failed authentication