ADCP-75-192 • Issue 2 • June 2007
Page 39
© 2007, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
It is also important to have a mechanism in place to update the LAN DNS with the Hubmaster
IP address, so that the Digivance CXD/NXD nodes know where to send data. Since the
Hubmaster IP is static, this can be manually entered at installation time.
The setup becomes more complicated when multiple subnets are introduced. However, it is
recommended that in such a case the Hubmaster DHCP server be utilized instead. Using Domain Name Service With Digivance CXD/NXD
The DNS offers a way to represent nodes using hostnames instead of IP addresses. This is an
important relationship when using DHCP, since the hostnames are more likely to be static than
their associated IP addresses. The Digivance CXD/NXD Hubmaster node comes standard with
a DNS which services its related subnet. In addition, the Hubmaster node can employ DNS
forwarding to utilize a pre-existing LAN DNS. The following sections outline the steps
necessary to use the Digivance CXD/NXD DNS. Using The HUBMASTER DNS
The Digivance CXD/NXD DNS is automatically updated via NIPR/S so there is no need to
manually configure it. As this process does not interfere with existing upstream DNS activities,
it need not be disabled. Incorporating Existing LAN DNS
The method of incorporating an existing LAN DNS begins with configuring the Hubmaster
DNS forwarding as outlined in Section 10.1.5 and continues with some maintenance at the
upstream DNS. At a minimum, the upstream DNS needs to be updated with each Hubmaster
node’s IP address and full hostname (including its domain). Ideally, this maintenance would be
automated, and the RAN nodes would also be maintained in the upstream DNS.
Implementations of this are as varied as the networks being maintained, and may need to be
custom designed by a network administrator.
3.8 Configuring the “Slave” and RAN Nodes
The Digivance CXD/NXD system takes care of networking setup for the Hub “Slave” and RAN
nodes Non network setup is shown on the following sections.
3.8.1 Managing the Hub Node MIB
This MIB correlates Hub node IP addresses with their hostnames and physical locations. It
resides solely at Hubmaster nodes. It is comprised of the following elements: Site ID