ADCP-75-192 • Issue 2 • June 2007
Page 28
© 2007, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
3.4 Tenant Configuration
The Tenant Operations Management and Maintenance (OAM) MIB is the primary interface for
configuring the operating objects of tenants in the Digivance CXD/NXD system. The Tenant
OAM MIB is used exclusively at the Hubmaster node, where any changes made to operating
objects are validated and pushed down to the proper node(s) by Tenant processing.
3.4.1 Setting Protocol
The Protocol field of the Tenant OAM MIB is an enumerated value, where the allowable
selections are the protocols supported by the Digivance CXD/NXD system, currently.
No Protocol (0), CDMA (1), TDMA (2), GSM (3), IDEN (4), AMPS (5), CW_WB (6),
CW_NB (7). In Composite Mode, protocol need not be selected, and defaults to No Protocol
3.4.2 Setting Channels
transceptTenantOAMTable.transceptTenantChannelXVal, where X = 1-8
Each Tenant sector in the Digivance CXD/NXD system can support from 1-8 RF paths. Each of
these RF paths can be individually enabled in the Tenant OAM MIB.
3.4.3 Setting Hub Measured Forward Gain
This object is no longer used in the Digivance CXD/NXD system.
Note: In EMS, the Tenant OAM MIB is accessed from the menu tree by selecting
Configuration-Tenants. .
Note: For a background on tenant relationships, refer to Section 2.3 on Page 18.
Note: In Composite Mode, one (1) RF path is automatically enabled.