© Adam Equipment Company 2007
To store data the commands are:
SUIDxxxxxx <CR> Store user ID data
SSIDxxxxxx <CR> Store scale ID data
SPLUxx,xxxxxxxxxxxx <CR> Store text data for PLUxx
When PLU text data is stored the Scale used, current unit weight and current
tare value is also stored to that PLU number.
For the SPLU command the data is: PLU number (2 characters), (Comma)
description (max 12 characters).
If the fields are less than the maximum all characters need not be used.
This method enables the user to send the data from a PC program as well as
from the keypad. The most common PLUs can be stored and recalled from
the scale memory. Other PLU data can be stored on a PC, then the
Description (text data), Unit Weight and Tare Weight data can be sent from
the PC for the PLUxx (where xx can be any desired number up to 99). This
can then be used or over-written during operation.
• Send Tare Weight data to set any tare value to be stored with PLU.
i.e. “T 1.45” <CR>. If no tare is needed then you may send “T 0” to delete
any present tare data.
• Send the Unit Weight to be stored with PLU. i.e. “U0.015” <CR>
• Send PLU text data to be stored with current Tare and U/W values.
i.e. “SPLU27, M4 Nut Brass” <CR>
Any information stored for the Tare Weight, Description and the Unit weight
will be stored in the scale and can be recalled for use in the future.