Setup (Grid) Assay Type Pane
Saving a run as a template
1. Create a run template by setting up a run structure using the Setup(Grid) or Setup(List) panes without setting up the
details in the Well Details pane. When you later use the run template to set up a new run from a template, the structure
of the new run is defined by the run template so you do not have to define the run structure. You only have to define the
Samples, Kit Lots, Comments and Retest information. Refer to the section in this manual on Setting up a new run from a
template for more information.
2. To save the run as a template, select File on the menu bar, and then select Save Run as Template…
3. When the Save as window appears, navigate to the folder into which you want to save the run template file, and enter
the file name for the run template in the File name: field.
4. Click the Save button. The 3M Molecular Detection Software saves the run template as a Comma Separated Values
(.CSV) text file.
Setting up a new run from a template
1. Set up a new run from a template by using a run template to set up the run structure without using the Setup (Grid) or
Setup (List) panes, and by using the Well Details pane to set up the details (Samples, Kit Lots, Comments and Retest) for
the new run. Refer to the section in this manual on Saving a run as a template for more information.
2. To setup a new run from a template, select File on the menu bar, and then select Load Run Template….
3. When the Open window appears, navigate to the folder that contains the run template file you want to use. The default
folder is Templates.
4. Select the run template file you want to use and Click the Open button.
5. Use the Well Details pane to set up the details (Samples, Kit Lots, Comments and Retest) for the new run. Refer to the
section in this manual on Setting up a new run for more information on using the Well Details pane.