Sample Fields Field Name Field Type Field Values Show
Field 1 Sample Type List
Field 2 Description Text Show
Field 3 Product Text Show
Field 4 Brand Text Show
Field 5 Lot Number Text Show
Field 6 Line Text Show
Field 7 Customer Text Show
27. To modify any of the default fields, perform the following actions.
a. Use the Field dropdown menu to select the field you want to change. There are seven fields total.
b. Enter the new Field name into the Field Name field.
c. Use the Field type dropdown menu to select the Field type.
i. Text – You can enter any free-format text into a text field.
ii. List – You must select a field value from a predefined list for a list field.
d. If you selected List in the previous step, enter the items for the pre-defined list into the Field values field. You
can add field values to the Field values list after you click [Next] in this Custom Fields Definition window and
complete the installation. However, you cannot remove field values from the Field values list after you click Next
in this Custom Fields Definition window (step 29 below) and complete the installation.
e. Click the icon to add a field value. This opens a textbox (shown to the right) where
you enter the new field value.
f. Accept the new field value you entered by clicking the icon.
g. Select the Show checkbox to show the selected field, or clear the Show checkbox to hide the selected field. If a
field is hidden, it is not used in sample definition or report generation. This can also be changed after installation.
28. Repeat the above steps for each of the fields you want to change.
29. Click the [Next] button when you finish customizing these fields.