PM1D System Software Version 2
Supplementary Manual
This supplementary manual primarily describes the additional and modified func-
tions that have been incorporated into PM1D System Software version 2.0.
Please read this manual in conjunction with the original manual that came with
your Yamaha PM1D digital audio mixing system.
■ Main changes..................................... 2
Auto Gain Adjustment function......................2
PM1D Manager Remote Control function ......2
VCM Effects available .....................................3
Channel Move function in the CH COPY
screen .........................................................3
■ Changes in Scene Memories and
Libraries.............................................. 5
Expanding the Event Recall function
in the TC EVENT screen...............................5
Overwriting libraries during the Auto Store
Unit settings can be included in the Recall
Safe channel settings...................................7
Additional preset scenes.................................7
Expanded user area for Input EQ/Channel
■ Changes and additions of screens..... 8
New FADER VIEW screen................................8
Clock on the meter bridge .............................8
Displaying the GEQ routings ..........................8
Displaying the GR meters...............................9
■ Other changes.................................. 10
Filtering during save or load operations ........10
Direct output just before the HPF ................ 11
Additional functions for the USER DEFINE
switches ................................................... 11
Inserting MIDI events from the event list ..... 12
CLEAR ALL button added to the OSCILLATOR
and TALKBACK screens............................. 13
Outputting the MONITOR and CUE signals
from the DSP1D....................................... 13
No limitation in multiple selections for the
Global Paste function ............................... 14
Selecting WITH MIX SEND in the CH COPY
screen ...................................................... 14
Support for the MY8-DA96 card.................. 14
Compatibility of created data ...................... 14
■ Appendix ..........................................15
Scene Memory Preset List............................ 15
VCM Effect Parameter List............................ 18
Table of Contents