104 Heating 100 Seats
59 Height adjustment 96 Scratched paintwork,
(ground clearance) touching up
14 Hydraulic circuit, draining 5, 91 Sparking plugs
69 Injection 19 Starting engine
109 Lighting, boot 25, 45 Starting handle
46, 56 Lighting, interior 36 Stopping and starting off
66 Lubrication on a gradient
34 Stopping distances
94 Maintenance of fittings, 109 Sun vizors
mirrors and external 4 Technical data and
embellishments adjustments
36 Parking manoeuvres 93 Towing
70, 71 Radiator 76 Tyres
42, 52 Rear view mirror 107 -108 Ventilation
41, 52 Revolution counter, 44 Warning devices
electronic 44, 48 Warning light dial
6 Running in 61 Wheels, changing
103 Safety belts 43, 75 Windscreen washers