If the engine fails to start at the first attempt keep the pedal depressed, wait
3 to 4 seconds and try again.
• As soon as the engine has started the accelerator pedal can be released to
the slow-running position.
Important points
The engine can also be freed or started with the handle which is stowed under
the spare wheel; it is held in position in the extension. To insert the handle
remove the blanking plug from underneath the bumper and slide the handle in to
engage the hexagon.
After a lengthy period in the garage or after a fault in the fuel system, this system
can be primed by switching the ignition on 2 or 3 times before using the starter.
Proceed then as described above.
Before setting off allow the engine to run for a while so that the car can assume
its running position.
CHANGING GEAR ON THE DS FA (fig 13 and 15)
Since the clutch is automatic the car does not have a clutch pedal.
To change gear merely set the stem of the gear selector/starter lever 7 (fig. 1 3)
opposite one of the marks:
1 − AR
2−3−4 − at the base of the lever.