
Editing a Tone
Filter Filter. This is a group of editable parameters associated with filters
With this group, the vertical (Level) axis in the pitch envelope diagram
corresponds to how the filter is applied.
Cutoff Cutoff frequency. Specifies the filter cutoff frequency. –64 to 0 to +63
Resonance Resonance. Specifies the resonance of the tone in the vicinity of the cutoff
–64 to 0 to +63
Velocity Sense Velocity sense. Specifies the degree of change in the filter in accordance
with change in keyboard playing touch.
–64 to 0 to +63
Envelope For details about the parameters below, see “Pitch Envelope”.
Initial Level, Attack Time, Release Time, Release Level
Envelope Depth Envelope depth. Specifies how the envelope is applied. 0 to 127
Attack Level Attack level. Target level reached immediately after note on. –64 to 0 to +63
Decay Time Decay time. Time it takes for the sound to reach the decay level from the
attack level.
–64 to 0 to +63
Decay Level Decay level. Level the sound is sustained as long as a key or pedal is
–64 to 0 to +63
Amp Amp. This is a group of editable parameters associated with the amp
Volume Volume. Specifies the amp volume. 0 to 127
Velocity Sense Velocity sense. Specifies the degree of change in volume in accordance
with change in keyboard playing touch.
–64 to 0 to +63
Envelope The vertical (Level) axis in the pitch envelope diagram corresponds to
the volume in the case of this group.
For details about the parameters below, see “Pitch Envelope”.
Initial Level, Attack Time, Release Time
For details about the setting items below, see “Filter”, above.
Attack Level, Decay Time, Decay Level
Effect Effect. This is a group of editable effect function parameters. For more
information, see “EFFECT Screen” (page EN-71).
DSP DSP edit. This is a group of editable effect function DSPs (page EN-34).
Touching “ENTER” displays the DSP editing screen.
Reverb Send Reverb send. Specifies how reverb (page EN-71) is applied to a tone. 0 to 127
Chorus Send Chorus send. Specifies how chorus (page EN-71) is applied to a tone. 0 to 127
Delay Send Delay send. Specifies how delay (page EN-71) is applied to a tone. 0 to 127
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