Barco R9843115 Musical Toy Instrument User Manual

1. Exhaust kit description
About this manual
This manual describes the Heat Exhaust kit with part number R9843115 and the way to install it on a projector.
Domain of application
Kit content
1.1 Domain of application
What can be done ?
The Heat Exha ust kit a llows to connect an external tube system to the projector in order to transport the e xhaust hot air outside the
projection area.
Each projector has 2 exhausts:
1. left exhaust;
2. right exhaust.
Image 1-1
Exhaust location
One can decide to connect only one or both exhausts.
Projector range
The Heat E xhaust kit is intende d to be used on the follow
ing projector ranges:
(Galaxy) NH-12;
(Galaxy) NW-12;
Galaxy NW-7.
1.2 Specications
Heat dissipation per projector
The maximum heat dissipation of the projector when it runs at full pow er is 2800 W or 9560 BTU/h. This value can be different,
depending on the power rate of the lamp (i.e. Economy mode or Normal mode).
Outlet temperature
The m aximu m temperature of the air at the outlet is 60° C whe n the projectors run at full power and assuming the env ironmental
temperature to be 20° C maximum . A ll elemen
ts in the air extraction need to resist at least a tem perature of 60° C for long duration.
Air speed
For acoustical reasons, an air speed of 6 m /s is typically recommended in a n ofce/auditorium environment. In a display system
where the projectors and the collector are not s ituated inside the projection room, the air s peed in the tubes between projector outlet
and "collector" tube can be slightly higher.
R59770445 HEAT EXHAUST KIT 05/04/2012