Prestige 201 ISDN Access Router
Hardware Installation & Initial Setup 2-11
Field Description
ISDN Data Enter the telephone number assigned to ISDN data calls for the Prestige. The
maximum number of digits is 25 for the telephone number.
Edit Advanced
Advanced Setup features are configured when you select Yes to enter 2.1
Advanced Setup menu (see ahead).
Edit NetCAPI
You can configure NetCAPI setup when you select Yes and enter Menu 2.2 -
NetCAPI Setup.
2.10.2 ISDN Advanced Setup
Select Yes in the Edit Advanced Setup field of Menu 2 – ISDN Setup to display menu 2.1 as shown next.
Figure 2-10 Menu 2.1 - ISDN Advanced Setup
Table 2-5 ISDN Advanced Setup Fields
Field Description
Calling Line Indication The Calling Line Indication, or Caller ID, governs whether the other party can
see your number when you call. If set to Enable, the Prestige sends the caller
ID and the party you call can see your number; if it is set to Disable, the caller
ID is blocked.
PABX Outside Line Prefix A PABX (Private Automatic Branch eXchange) generally requires you to dial a
number (a single digit in most cases) when you need an outside line. If your
Prestige is connected to a PABX, enter this number in PABX Outside Line
Prefix, otherwise, leave it blank. Please note that the PABX prefix is for calls
initiated by the Prestige only.
Menu 2.1.1 - ISDN Advanced Setup
ISDN Line= 1
Calling Line Indication= Enable
PABX Outside Line Prefix=
PABX Number (Include S/T Bus Number) for Loopback=
Outgoing Calling Party Number:
ISDN Data =
Data Link Connection= point-to-multipoint
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Press Space Bar to Toggle.