Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router
Dial Backup 21-3
Figure 21-2 Advanced WAN Setup
Table 21-2 Advanced WAN Port Setup: AT Commands Fields
AT Command
Dial Enter the AT Command string to make a call. atdt
Drop Enter the AT Command string to drop a call. “~” represents a one
second wait, e.g., “~~~+++~~ath” can be used if your modem has a
slow response time.
Answer Enter the AT Command string to answer a call. ata
Drop DTR When
Hang Up
Press the [SPACE BAR] to choose either Yes or No. When Yes
is selected (the default), the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal is
dropped after the “AT Command String: Drop” is sent out.
AT Response String:
CLID (Calling Line
Enter the keyword that precedes the CLID (Calling Line Identification)
in the AT response string. This lets the Prestige capture the CLID in
the AT response string that comes from the WAN device. CLID is
required for CLID authentication.
Called Id Enter the keyword preceding the dialed number. TO
Menu 2.1 - Advanced WAN Setup
AT Command Strings: Call Control:
Dial= atdt Dial Timeout(sec)= 60
Drop= ~~+++~~ath Retry Count= 0
Answer= ata Retry Interval(sec)= N/A
Drop Timeout(sec)= 20
Drop DTR When Hang Up= Yes Call Back Delay(sec)= 15
AT Response Strings:
Called Id=
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel: