Prestige 650 ADSL Router
Remote Node TCP/IP Configuration 5-5
Select SUA Only if you have just one public WAN IP address for your
Prestige. The SMT uses Address Mapping Set 255 (menu 15.1 - see
section 7.3.1).
Select None to disable NAT.
Mapping Set
When Full Feature is selected in the NAT field, configure address
mapping sets in menu 15.1. Select one of the NAT server sets (2-10) in
menu 15.2 (see the NAT chapter for details) and type that number here.
When SUA Only is selected in the NAT field, the SMT uses NAT server
set 1 in menu 15.2 (see the NAT chapter for details).
Metric The metric represents the “cost” of transmission for routing purposes.
IP routing uses hop count as the cost measurement, with a minimum of
1 for directly connected networks. Type a number that approximates the
cost for this link. The number need not be precise, but it must be
between 1 and 15. In practice, 2 or 3 is usually a good number.
Private This determines if the Prestige will include the route to this remote node
in its RIP broadcasts. If set to Yes, this route is kept private and not
included in RIP broadcast. If No, the route to this remote node will be
propagated to other hosts through RIP broadcasts.
RIP Direction Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select the RIP Direction.
Options are Both, In Only, Out Only or None.
Version Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select the RIP version.
Options are RIP-1, RIP-2B or RIP-2M.
IGMP-v1 sets IGMP to version 1, IGMP-v2 sets IGMP to version 2 and
None disables IGMP.
IP Policies You can apply up to four IP Policy sets (from 12) by typing in their
numbers separated by commas.
3, 4, 5, 6
When you have completed this menu, press [ENTER] at the prompt “Press [ENTER] to confirm or [ESC]
to cancel” to save your configuration or press [ESC] to cancel and go back to the previous screen.
5.1.2 IP Static Route Setup
Static routes tell the Prestige routing information that it cannot learn automatically through other means.
This can arise in cases where RIP is disabled on the LAN or a remote network is beyond the one that is
directly connected to a remote node.