www.Thunder-Max.com 309-360 Installation / Setup Guide V2009.04.23 ProductSupport@ZippersPerformance.com
When the Diagnostic Codes window appears, select
[Clear Diagnostic Codes]. After completing this step,
select Basic Settings from the Module Configuration
ed Loop Configuration]. Verify that the [Closed
Loop Processing] and [AutoTune] boxes are checked
√ on the left (module) side of the window.
menu and verify that the speedometer calibration is
correct and if the bike is a 2007 or later model the 6
gear indicator settings are correctly set (Final drive ratio
[87] for Touring & Softail®, [84] for Dyna® models) Gear
6 Min TPS [40]). After verifying these settings, click
[Write Basic Settings]. If the installation is to be
operated in closed loop mode (with AutoTune module),
select [Configuration] from the toolbar menu and
Next, ‘Initialize’ the ThunderMax ECM. Initializing
synchronizes ‘home’ positions for the TPS and IAC, and
is a required step any time battery power has been
interrupted or established to the ThunderMax ECM.
With the handlebar switch in the ‘ON’ position, cycle
the key switch on and off 3 times, leaving the
ignition on for 30 seconds, then off for 30 seconds,
each cycle. DO NOT start the engine or move the
throttle during this process. After 3 on/off cycles, make
certain that the motorcycle is in neutral and start the bike
2 times, letting it settle at idle for 10 seconds; the idle
should be smooth and steady. Some engines may
require several on/off engine starts to initialize properly.
This initialization process must be performed any
time battery power is interrupted to the module (after
battery servicing/winterization, etc). After initialization,
shut off the engine, but stay linked for step 8.
Step 8 Before re olbar click
nitoring] [Show Gauges]. The “Engine Spe
e , AFR
starting the engine, from to
[Mo ed”,
“Engin Head Temp”, “IAC Position”, “AFR Front”
Rear” and “AFR Target” gauges are automatically
formatted and are shown on the screen. Additional
gauges can be created if desired (see SmartLink Tuning
Manual under Help menu), but the above gauges are
most helpful during initial set up. You may select any
gauges that you deem important; if too many are chosen
your screen may appear cluttered.
Step 9 Select the “Monitor” button to active the gauges.
It is located beside the “Link” button and will turn green
when the monitor gauge functions are live. The gauges
will be displayed if they were not already on the screen.
Step 10 Now select the IAC Stops vs. Engine
Temperature ” menu within the
tuning e the
page from “IAC Curves
tree. Strik
spacebar to show the actual values of the tuning block
(use left/right arrow keys to move the block marker).
Make certain that the motorcycle is in neutral and the
engine is cold, and then start the engine. Once the
engine idle is stable after 15- 20 seconds, select the
“IAC-Auto” button (Idle Air Control Auto Adjustment).
Allow the “IAC-Auto” function to run at idle until the
engine head temperature reaches 275 degrees. After
reaching temperature of 275 degrees, the “IAC-Auto”
function automatically shuts off. You can terminate this
communication cable from the Thunde
the ‘Save As’ command to create a folder and save the
map to your hard drive. The motorcycle is now ready to
be ridden. Several riding sessions that allow the engine
to reach normal operating temperature should be
completed. During this process, the IAC virtual stops will
sted to the IAC target values se
he IAC stop
engine will dip below the specified idle speed during
certai s are above
ove the idle rpm
spec mperature page.
function at any time, and re-run it at a later time if you
Step 11 Unlink the SmartLink software from the ECM,
turn off the ignition switch and remove the
rMax ECM. Use
automatically be adju t
within the map’s basic settings. This feature
automatically adjusts how the engine comes back to the
specified idle speed. If t s are set too low, the
n transient conditions. If the IAC stop
the IAC position, the engine will idle ab
ified in the idle speed vs. engine te
If it determined that these automatic adjustments ha
not resulted in satisfactory operation of the engine,
consult the SmartLink Manual (available under the Help
section of the toolbar), Section 3 (Tuning the
ThunderMax ECM) for further adjustment procedures.