Routine Maintenance
Cleaning Schedule and Procedures
P1048261-004 8/22/12
Clean the Printhead and Platen Roller
Inconsistent print quality, such as voids in the bar code or graphics, may indicate a dirty
printhead. For the recommended cleaning schedule, see Table 13 on page 110.
Figure 14 • Location of the Printhead and Platen Roller
Caution • While performing any tasks near an open printhead, remove all rings, watches,
hanging necklaces, identification badges, or other metallic objects that could touch the
printhead. You are not required to turn off the printer power when working near an open
printhead, but Zebra recommends it as a precaution. If you turn off the power, you will lose
all temporary settings, such as label formats, and you must reload them before you resume
Note • For printers with a peel assembly, keep the peel assembly closed while cleaning the
platen roller to reduce the risk of bending the tear-off/peel-off bar.
Printhead assembly
Platen roller